The mere thought of minimalism used to make me nervous. Naively I assumed you must give up most of your possessions and live in an unfilled house. That was many years ago, and since then I’ve acquired a lot more knowledge and understanding in the ways of living with less.
In our society, there is an inescapable pressure to ‘buy more things'. It's ingrained in our culture as part of our marketing strategy. Every season, we are encouraged to acquire new clothes, shoes, get the latest devices, and so on. The list is endless!
I've been attempting to reverse this leaning myself by consuming less the last few years. I've developed several habits that have helped me limit the quantity of stuff I buy, the most fundamental of which was deciding to reuse what I already had.
The concept of living with less has been embraced by some as a means of achieving sustainability. Considered a thrifty way of living, some people with this mindset choose to spend less, give back, and recycle. For others, it may involve imagining new ways to buy less and use existing things longer.
A conscious decision to getting by with fewer possessions and ensuring that every item you do have is genuinely necessary, is crucial if we are to live in a less disposable world.
The good news is that there are easy ways to begin this rewarding journey:
- Always shop with a list.
Don’t head to supermarket without a list – you’ll inevitably buy things you really don’t need and forget the things you do. And so, you must go back, and conceivably buy more superfluous things.
- Reuse everyday objects like jars, mugs, plates, and utensils.
Or donate if you can’t find a use. Someone out there will love your ‘trash’!
- Quality over quantity.
“Buy cheap, pay dear”. Buy quality and it will last a lot longer. Buy cheap, it will need to be replaced sooner. You have now bought this item twice and spent more money in the long run. Try to buy something which can be repaired rather than thrown away when faulty.
There are many formidable benefits of following and living a minimalist lifestyle. Here are 4 of the best.
- Good for the Environment.
The less we expend and buy, the less our carbon footprint will be. The planet will thank you.
- Spend Less.
This one is easy. Don’t buy, save money. Only purchase what matters and brings you joy instead. Hence no buyer’s regret.
- Easier to Clean.
Less things lying around means less cleaning to do around the house. And that’s enough reason for me! Ain’t nobody got time for that.
- Less stress.
It’s a science. Clutter can cause anxiety by triggering the release of the stress hormone cortisol. This can increase tension and worry and lead to unhealthy habits. It is also responsible for lower capacity to think clearly, make decisions, and stay focused.
Declutter what you can, keep what makes you happy and go forward with consideration and comprehension that buying less is a most beneficial practice not just for you, but for the planet.