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Firstly, clean the surface and dry it thoroughly - this is important! Peel off the adhesive backing and firmly hold against wall for 10 seconds. Wait a few hours before using to allow the holder to adhere to the wall securely.
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly
Installing in the shower or sink area is totally fine, but don’t position under the direct stream of running water. Splashes and steam are no problem at all however.
The purpose of the holder is to allow soap bars to dry out. Because the soap bar has no direct contact with any surface of the soap holder, only the soap cap, it dries out very quickly and the bars will harden and last longer.
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly
Most soap types and shapes will work yes. The magnet is very strong so large bars are also fine. Best practice is start with a new bar rather than one which has been sitting in a wet soap dish for a prolonged period. It’s going to be too soft at this stage.
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly
Absolutely yes! If you need additional caps please just contact
They certainly are. The Tassie Oak has been obtained from builders with excess stock at job completion. We use what we have before buying more. No timber goes to waste as any offcuts are used around our house. We buy the magnets from an Australian business - we prefer to support local wherever possible. The screws and tape are also sourced locally so we keep our carbon footprint to a minimum.
100% yes. Made in Victoria by our family business.
The soap will drip once or twice depending on its composition, but it’s so minimal it’s not an issue at all.
The 3M Scotch Extreme Mounting Tape is one of the strongest you can get. If you install the holder as per our instructions, it will stay indefinitely. We have tried and tested them for 3 years!
Ideally it’s best to be sure of the final location before installation due to its strong adhesive, but if you move house for example (we did!), you can definitely move it.
We recommend using a hairdryer to warm up the glue, then gently twisting soap holder left and right until it loosens a bit first. Then use a slimline tool such as a knife to prise the tape away from the surface. Be careful not to damage your surface.
Once off the wall, you can remove the remaining tape by rolling it off with your finger - it might take a few minutes. Use rubbing alcohol if necessary. Replacement mounting tape can be found at Bunnings or similar.
Yes it most certainly will. Allowing the air to dry out its moisture will make a bar of soap harder (and therefore less likely to get soggy), and last longer. The more time your soap spends completely dry, the longer it will last. We have tried and tested this for 3 years!
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly
On occasion, a very soft bar will ‘lift off’ the cap. Most bars will be absolutely fine, but we do recommend sliding the soap off the holder rather than pulling directly away from the magnet.
Some bars will be softer than others depending on their ingredients . Oils such as coconut and palm (sustainable of course) as well as shea, cocoa and mango butters are all great for producing a harder bar.
Ensure you use a brand new bar when purchasing your holder; a bar which has already been softened for period of time in a soap dish will probably not be stable or hard enough. Once it has gone mushy, its too late!
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly
We have recently introduced the clear coat finish so this should stop it from happening. If you have an older version, the only colour change would occur where your soapy hand has brushed against it. We recommend a gentle wipe with a damp cloth then wipe dry once a month to avoid soap-build up. The colour change is nothing to worry about however - if looked after correctly your soap holder can last many years, if not forever!
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly
We recommend allowing the tape to adhere to the wall for a few hours before putting any strain on it. This allows it to develop a firm bond with the wall.
For best results, slide your bar off the holder rather than pull away directly